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Research Projects

Current Research

  • HMS Catalyst Pipeline
    This mixed methods, exploratory sequential study is designed to understand the influence of medical school teaching and learning environment on the training choices and outcomes of medical students since these decisions can influence career intentions regarding an academic research track. The longitudinal study will characterize the individual, institutional and sociocultural factors involved in pursing an academic research track among medical scholars (students, trainees, early career faculty at various academic stages, with particular attention to the experiences of scholars who are underrepresented in medicine (URiM).

Past Research

  • Aetna Burnout
    Burnout has negative effects on both work and personal lives. Although the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) seems to be the preferred measure of burnout, there are other measures that have been utilized including the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory and the Copenhagen Inventory. Questions have been raised about the accuracy of the above measures bringing to the forefront issues of the adequacy, appropriateness and relevance of existing scales for specific populations. These questions are especially salient for URiMs. 
  • Enhancing Diversity in Academic Medicine through Faculty Networks
    This study aims to better understand faculty intraorganizational career networks, representing the ways in which faculty are connected to one another within an organization – how these networks are formed and change over time, the functions they serve, how they are utilized and their relationships to faculty productivity, advancement and retention in academic medicine. This study is funded by a grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health.
  • HMS Crico
    CRICO and HMS share an interest in managing the risks inherent in the recruitment and appointment of faculty who ultimately constitute the HMS workforce, particularly leaders of this workforce who will effectively set the vision and establish a culture of excellence, inclusion, fairness and equity.
  • Increasing Diversity among Medical School Faculty: A Vehicle for Addressing Physician Diversity
    This two-part study focuses on the processes of building and utilizing connections for career advancement. Part A seeks to identify and explain the process, barriers and facilitators of connecting senior faculty and junior faculty, specifically junior URM and women faculty. Part B involves a review of existing methodology to extract data from faculty CV. This study is funded by a grant from the Aetna Foundation.
  • Pathways Repository
    The Pathways Data Repository, which draws from multiple extant/existing data sources, serves as an analytical and operational resource for the development and assessment of policies, practices, and programs as these relate to the career advancement, productivity, and retention of faculty in academic medicine. Particular attention is given to faculty who are members of underrepresented groups (URG).

  • RNSA Diversity
    Converge research is focused on strengthening the evidence-base for promoting diversity. This includes an analysis of faculty and trainee connections and how they relate to productivity and retention. This work will help to answer questions about the role of mentorship on faculty achievement. In order to understand how to better serve the minority biomedical careers pipeline, we must look to identify the factors that contribute to productivity, retention and advancement within the field.
  • Understanding Pathways to Academic Medical Careers
    Understanding Pathways to Academic Medical Careers study examined the factors influencing the DICP's Visiting Clerkship Program (VCP) alumni’s retention and advancement in academic medicine and clinical research careers, as well as the attainment of VCP objectives. Funded through a grant from the Office of Minority Health in the US Department of Health and Human Services.
  • Understanding Pathways to Biomedical Research Careers
    Understanding Pathways to Biomedical Research Careers study examined the educational and career pathways of nearly 3,000 Biomedical Science Careers Program (BSCP) participants since joining the BSCP network, which provides students of all races, ethnic backgrounds, gender and financial status with the encouragement, support and guidance needed for the successful pursuit of careers in biomedical sciences. Funded through a grant from the National Institutes of Health.
  • Women and Inclusion in Academic Medicine
    This study clarified the characteristics and interrelationships of institutional, individual and sociocultural factors that influence the entry, progression, persistence and advancement of women faculty, particularly women of  color faculty (African American, Hispanic, American Indian/Alaskan Native, and Asian American) in academic medicine. The study team recognized that factors related to the success of women faculty may cut across all racial/ethnic groups.
  • Pathfinder: A Systems Approach to Advancing Workforce Inclusion and Diversity
    Pathfinder: A Systems Approach to Advancing Workforce Inclusion and Diversity (hereafter referred to as Pathways) was a NIH ARRA Pathfinder grant funded project aimed at fostering a diverse scientific workforce. Many factors influence the careers of individuals underrepresented in medicine and science (underrepresented minorities, URM), but only a few of these factors are tracked in current diversity research. Lack of comprehensive data for analysis has limited the ability of institutional leaders to identify and implement successful policies and interventions that increase the diversity and inclusiveness of the workforce in academic medicine. The Pathways study was aimed at addressing this limitation.